Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Apparently I met my match. My little 20 year old turned out to be a bigger bitch than   I could be. if only all my heartbreaks knew. They would be jumping up and down rejoicing for today was the day when  I was played. Avenged were all the victims from my serial dating days. Not only was I stood up by this guy  but he had the audacity to tell me he didn't feel like picking me up (youngsters these days). Although I felt the end near,as my days in New York became numbered so did his interactions, whether it was another woman or I simply reached my expiration date i'll never know( I think it was a mix of both). All I know is that I've officially been outbitched. What can I say its been a long time coming.  Damn you karma and your effects on my dating life. Granted I ignored some calls, failed to respond to a few texts, turned down dates, because " I wasn't feeling it" and unintentionally led on some but I don't think I would have had the heart to tell a helpless, lonely, boy thousand of miles away from home to take a train to see me because I didn't feel like driving. I can tolerate my job but I have no tolerance for men.  Only problem now is,how am I going to get my dirty panties back?