Monday, November 7, 2011

Here,There, and In between

11/7/2011 @ 6:41 pm

Lots has happened since my last entry, couple notable strokes of bad luck: Got ripped off my commision, got my cell phone jacked, hit a car, and lost my prescription glasses. Oh I moved into what might as well may be a half way house And have been doing terrible at school and not making enough money at work.  On the bright side I just dropped off my Dominican at the airport this morning after a weekend that resembled Rihana's We fell in love video, minus the drugs.

(took place Oct 13-Oct 20)
As far as coping wtih my shitty turn of events I've been coping the best way I know how. By drowning myself in booze and men. Yeah I know Its unhealthy. And yes i know im only adding to my problem but im only human. And naturally when faced with failure we tend to look for immediate satisfaction, to  fill the void (in my case the lack of accomplishment) with our vices. For a month now my weekends have become routine waking up in a random room with little or no recollection what happened the night before.   Which has led to  3 random make outs. Which I blame the combination of pent up sexual frustration, regular frustration and alcohol for.
 Random make out #1  and # 2 took place at the treehouse during what turned out to be a underwear party. Which I recall very little of, something about truth or dare, my friends roommate stomping out pissed off while "the rapist" removed his pants. and something about me kissing my gayfriend but since my memory was a bit cloudy. I called my roommates, come to find out it was worse then what I thought. Not only, had I kissed my gay friend but I had also made out  with a random black guy, both within minutes of each other, and walked around in my undies. My poor mother.
This is what I woke up in

 One week later I had make out #3,I remember it  much more clear than 1 or 2. I woke up to the stentch of rotten mildewy smell, I looked around the room in search of the orgin of the stench .To my right I  found mountains upon mountains of dirty socks, briefs, beer bottles and half eaten junk food. I gazed awe que cerdo would be capable of this mess? My skin felt wet and dirty. Wtf did i piss in this bed? I looked under the covers.Holy shit why am I naked? I looked over to my left and saw a slightly obese smelly young guy who sweat so bad that it caused the bed to feel as if someone had wet it. In my horror I woke him up and screamed  "why is this  bed wet? Where are my clothes." He replied in adam sandlers water boy voice and stutters "We spilt beer on it last night. . He leaned over to kiss me I turned my cheek and said "morning Breath" I got to get out of here I thought. I immediately got dressed. "What the rush he asked jus tay her, watch football wit me, we'll get  food, I ll hep you look for your phone," said yoga bear.I let out a sigh"....K" and walked to use the restroom to find what appeared to be a freddy kruger claw mark on my neck which actually turned out to be a hicky. Wtf ?!I I gasped outloud in shock. I took the opportunity to examine what other marks this beast had left since  my nipple was also in some serious pain. I pulled my shirt down  to find a huge as  bite mark surrounding my areola.  Although your assuming i probably fucked the kid. I didn't. Being drunk may  facilitate your ability to act on impulse, but  it does not change them, and the impulse to  fuck yoga bear was never on my agenda. I sat on the toilet and felt a slight pain on my right cheek. Who or what the fuck was this monster where did he get off thinking that women enjoy being eaten like a meat literally he was a god damn cannibal. This mother fucker had chopped all over my body. I looked in the mirror to find a bruised bite mark on my bottom right cheek. "I walked out of the bathroom. He mentioned some kind of future dates between me and him.Oh no this kid thinks I like him. I went down stairs to look for my phone but did not find it I was so busy dancing dem bow and falling over the previous night, that I had left it plugged into the speakers when yoga bear picked me off the floor and took me into his room. Worst part is I wasnt even dancing with him he had no business faking an attempt to help me out and using it as his opportunity to be alone with me.

 I found myself getting thrown on his bed and being ravaged as prey this guy was literally a dog drooling on my ear biting my neck making weird noises and these werent little gentle licks or nibbles either these were full on chomps as if he were eating me like steak. I kept saying ow, ouch and complaing but he some how interpreted this as give me more this feels great, so he then continued to rip off my clothes meanwhile sticking his toungue in and out of my mouth as if he were having sex with it. He then attempted to go down on me this split second was so terrible and painful that I yelled im on my period!! You cant."(This was of course a lie) "Oh  I dont mind, in that case i'll get a condom. I yelled NOOOOO! Just stop, stop! Go to bed Im tired. " "ok, I respect that" answered yoga bear "we'll just cuddle."" Thank you!" Holy shit how could you be so terrible? I thought where did he learn this stuff? How did his ex put with this  for 6 months? Worst piece in the history of pieces! wakala. I went home showered and logged into my fb to find a message from him letting me know  he had not found my phone but he had bought me a toothbrush for the next time I stayed the night so i could kiss him in the morning.Wow.... some people's obliviousness.

 I havent had any random makeouts with him or anyone else since and solemnly swear not to, ever again. My pent up frustration has been taken care of by D and im good for another 4 months.