Sunday, September 18, 2011

Viva Mexico!!!

I've always prided myself in how eventful and random my life is. Having stories from adventures in Vegas on $7 dollars, meeting strangers who hand you $200 dollars in Utah, shit in Wendover, shit in NY and now Mexico. But its getting old and my free spirit is growing weary and tired or maybe im just getting old. Despite all of this heres a  recap.We explored Ensenada, partied in the heart of the town, and dipped our toes in the sand in San Diego. Now for the highlights...................

  • I took Tammy to her 1st strip club in Mexicali,  (For all of those who don't know Tam, Its a big deal.) Tam is one of the most conservative people I know, and by far the most innocent of my friends; still a virgin, doesn't drink, most genuine person I know, put in short shes awesome.Frankly Idk how she deals with our shit. Sorry Tam,we love you but the strip club was far more appealing than the streets of Mexico @2am on a Monday lol.
  • Did the whole tourist thing: La bufudora, La Rumorosa, beach, shopping landmarks ect.
  • And last but not least the biggest highlight of it all of course was the Bar scene:

 I brought in my 23rd year of life a week early @ Mango Mango with all the Mexican Marines we met earlier that night at Hussongs (an awesome old school bar est in 1823) which had live Mariachi and Banda . For all you who have partied with Mexicans you know just how it goes when you have all this added into the mix. After killing an unknown number of buckets with my newfound Marine friends, we ventured out into the next club. Mango Mango the scene was more Non traditional Mexican no sombreros or cowboy boots found here.  Bachata, Merengue, Cumbias and some occasional Banda blaring out the speakers.
 Once at a table I then continued  my mission of aiding my fellow Marines kill buckets of  beer, while dancing in between.  In mid turn getting my Cumbia on, my dancing was cut short. Pissed off and disappointed I looked to the stage to find  mariachis getting ready to play. Marine#3 grabbed my hand and rushed  me on stage where Las Manaitas were now playing, a man stood with a cupcake in hand with a lit candle awaiting... Drunk and confused I thought this couldnt possibly be for me. When had they arranged this? Why? How? This was my dream come true how did they know I had always dreamed of the day where I would have live mariachis cantarme las mananitas instead of all the annoying picture msg/forwards I recieve on my birthday with the crappy audio. Sadly since it was so unexpected and such a surprise there are no pictures of me in this glorious moment, crowd cheering for me to blow out the candle, Mariachis playing, biting the cake and of course as mexican tradition has it..... getting  my face shoved into the cake. Once I was cleaned off and ready to get off stage extremely satisfied the man holding a bottle of tequila let me know there was more, the party wasnt over yet. Omg!!!!? I was ecstatic this was literally was my dream come. I was asked to open my mouth and recieve shots of tequila squirted into my mouth. Upon swollowing , a man put his hand over my mouth and shook the shit out of me.  I felt as if I had just had a spiritual awakening, got off stage in my full glory to ppl giving me hugs and birthday wishes.
This is what my dad looks like(literally)

 Made my way over to a new dance partner and danced the night away until I felt I hit a wall, pretty early in the night since I had started @8 . I then pulled Tammy away from her Marine lover and let her know I had to lie down. We were then followed out of the club by our 2 wanna be Marine lovers who "just wanted to make sure we made it to our hotel room safe" and to make sure this was done they took the liberty of walking into our hotel room. Marine #1 crawling into Tams Bed, Tam and I turned to Marine #2  for answers and expectations we werent about to spend the night with 2 non goodlooking Marines we had just met in Mexico who on top of their ugliness were in commited relationships. Right then the room phone rang, we were saved by the bell. It was the reception desk letting us know that were not to be any over night guests and with that excuse and 3 phone calls later from the front desk  we were finally able to get rid of them.

I stepped out on the balcony to enjoy my last satisfying moment of the night, behind a cigarette I reminisced on the earlier events of the day."What an awesome night", I thought to myself  in mid drag "the only thing missing was birthday sex." Calm down E, I answered myself in thought your real birthday isn't until next week."

Friday, September 9, 2011

Life is great :)

If i had the power to freeze time I would freeze it here for one last year to savor my youth and just how good life is. Ever since Ive been back from New York its like my life just put itself back together so effortlessly and oh so perfectly. After a 2 week long binge of traveling and celebrating my home coming I walked into my Apartment and as soon as I opened the door to my room my phone rang It was a job offer from a company I had applied to a month before I left, I started the same week. Some how I ended up living at the house where my homecoming party was thrown paying $200 dollars a month, with no utilities, and 3 guys who treat me as little sister and have by far been the best roommates ever.
Took a trip to Vegas all expenses paid. Registered for classes 2 wks before they started miraculously obtained the schedule and teachers I wanted. Got off 2 parking tickets and most recently. Got off a DUI and not only did I get off, the cop didn't even run my license! If he had he would have found 2 unpaid tickets from NY and I would have been arrested for sure. I just got a brake job for $120, as opposed to $280 because the mechanic had a thing for me so he took care of it off the clock and outside the shop to get me a better deal. And the list goes on and on im sure im forgetting a million other good things. And just yesterday the company hit an all time high in revenue 16gs in one day. A $1,600 of which I accounted for so my boss congratulated bought me lunch, invited me to dinner and drinks at his house and is trying to hook me up with his cousin, and on top of that he wants to get me over to sales where I will be making a $1000 a week.

Not to mention Im back on my flow and out of the dating world of 20 year olds. I have been asked out on dates by a financial analyst in Salt Lake, a guy who works for Goldmansachs, and a Lawyer. And 7 others who arent really worth mentioning the strange thing is none of them really catch my attention. The lawyer straight up wanted a booty call so I shut him down and he deleted me on facebook lol, the others I just brush off this sounds a bit twisted but I think I get more satisfaction from turning them down than than what a hook up would bring.And last not but not least I leave to Mexico on Friday as b-day trip for myself. 22 you were such a bitch of a year but in the end it was all worth it because I wouldn't trade the position Im in now for anything. Thanks to collapse of everything I knew last year and the change of surroundings in New York Im able to appreciate every little occurrence in my life.New York now just seems like a dream the only things that confirm that indeed it happened are the fb accounts of the people I met and the ocasional text messages I get. Fate has a strange way of having things fall into place everything has come to a close, full circle I  even believe Steven is seeing his little ghetto ex-girlfriend again lol while Im back to making money. finishing school,and shutting down self actualized men. Life is good, is great :)