Monday, April 4, 2011

I did whaaaat?

4/3/2011 Sunday 9:17 am EST

And what a Friday it was! Seemed like Friday lasted till this morning. This drinking thing is kicking my ass idk if its the fact that Im doing it once a week or that the beer percentage is higher? Probably a combination of both but lately it seems like every weekend is a repeat. I drink myself retarded Friday then lay in bed hungover all Saturday. However, last night I took it to a whole nother level. I committed the ultimate sin.One i did not know I was capable of committing. I didn't know I had it in me . I slept with some one i had just met.Which I can honestly say I had never done until now. What kills me is not the fact that  it happened, but the way it happened. Its so retardly stupid that I have a hard time believing it actually happened. Like  this is my reality...........really?

I officially became a cougar
 I fucked some one younger than myself on floor of a towne & country which belongs to the family I work for filled with kid toys, trinkets, and car seats In one of which We ended up cuddling and watching the sunrise (no joke) I laughed to myself at the time of the quirky irony, here i was watching the sunrise with a boy 5 years younger than the men I usually date in a car seat. I literally was robbing the cradle or in this  case the car seat.Who the fuck does this?!to makes things even worse as the sun began to rise and my sober self returned, I had horrific flashbacks of what had actually happened  not only had i slept with a boy too you young to legally consume alcohol but i had done it with out protection on the floor of  a mini van  with the lights on in a parking lot so everyone who walked passed got a free show  and ppl did walk past (as i later recalled hearing voices half way through coitus) OMG who had witnessed my reckless sexual antics had the guy i showed up with come looking for me, his friends, omg who had walked passed while we were going at it? Oh my god what did these ppl think of me? Many of the ppl I had met once before, they had welcomed me because their friend (we'll call him Rick Ross cuz their about the same size and have similar features except for this guy is Dominican anyway)  befriended me on the train one night on my way back from Philly little did I know that this guy was romantically interested in me until after the first party he invited me to when he began to ask me the usual questions. Are you seeing someone when was your last serious relationship blah blah .Not to be an ass but I Didn't think men who looked like that would have the balls to pursue women like me where the hell was this guys confidence coming from his boobs were bigger than mine?.

Anyhow this was the second party Rick Ross had invited me to, a Latin get together at Dowling College as we walked through the halls he introduced me to everyone he knew his body language was repulsive I kept having to brush him off, we made our way to fancy antique looking library where all of his "crew" was at. As I scanned the room I noticed someone who caught my eye something about his smile, I smiled back as he left his seat and walked over to me.He reached for my hand and introduced himself, I introduced myself. He told me it was his birthday. I looked down we were reaching the one minute mark and we were still shaking hands. Yes, he had been drinking but..... there was definitely a connection there one that was visible to more than just me. Immediately  Rick Ross got right next to me in a bodyguard stance, and Marquis grabbed Steven by the shoulders and pulled him away. He dragged him off into a corner where he whispered in his ear, I didnt know what he was saying but I knew it was about me. We arrived at the dorms around midnight for an after party which consisted of 3 guys dancing to Bachata by themselves and Rick Ross still clinging to me like a leech. At this point I was regretting not going to the bar with Annela. I downed my 40 of Stella to drown my despair, after that was gone I moved onto shots. Before I knew it the party had began and there were now tons of ppl overcrowding the dorm. I made my way past all hoochies pinned up against a wall all getting dry humped to reggaeton to a table with 2 good looking guys.I began to  hand out my number to all who approached me meanwhile Rick Ross  lurked in the shadows observing me when... I saw Steven make his way over to me with a Corona in hand just for me! I was so happy not only was this guy cute but he knew the way to my heart. We sat at the table and talked by this time I didn't care where Rick Ross was I didnt give a shit about anything in the world, except for keeping my eyes off the strobe light because I didnt want to throw up in front of this guy.

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