Friday, April 15, 2011

Labels and Expectations

Why is that we women expect so much more from something when its labeled? For some reason as I do with my clothes I  do with my men.  If my  Oakleys come with a scratch its unacceptable, however if my no name sunglasses break, I could careless. And its not even  about the price, if the Oakleys were free but I paid for  no namers, I would still expect more from the ones with labels. The same goes for a man who is my piece of ass if he didn't come to see me or invite me ehhh....... who gives a shit. However, if a boyfriend  pulls that shit its infuriating and I bitch. Seems like labels always make things more complicated but somehow people are always eager to put them on  from designer brands to girlfriend/boyfriend titles.

I knew this was going to happen and I should of gone with my gut, but I let myself get labeled. My one night stand who surprised me with flowers and teddy bears who constantly kept in touch slapped the label on me a couple nights ago and has now turned into my boyfriend who takes an hour or more to reply and stands me up. Unlike us, who maintain and care for an object or man, more once a label is involved, They on the other hand cease to  make an effort.  No longer do they have to go out of their way to  please you and keep you around they've marked  their territory like a dog marks his fire hydrant. They are now free to piss on you, whenever and however they please.

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