Monday, December 5, 2011


What the hell is wrong with me?! I have D in New York (who is awesome, if only he were here) Yet have moments where I reminisce in those rare instances in the dorm where only my cub and I existed having sex,not having sex, laughing our ass off,getting ambushed by a camerea, watching the rain while sharing a cig, sitting in his sweats, laying in his bed. Then there are those instances where I miss B, the instances when I call Ed and with a phone call my problems suddenly seize to exist, where he holds the power to change my outlook within mins (which noone else can achieve only him).Then there is Tino.

  I first saw him last year when I still lived in my nice apt during the days where I looked amazing with a vegenece when getting back at B with my looks was my only Ammo. I had just gotten off work and was pulling into my parking spot. Sunglasses on, skin tan, wearing a pastel pink summer dress, paired with low, nude colored  heels sporting my brand new haircut going from long to short I was set on showing him what he had missed out on. As I gathered my belongings T was coming down the stairs I stepped out of my car we noticed each other. He was tall, latin, tan, muscular, clean cut. In short everything I wanted in a man physically. Then he shot me a smile, a smile that weakend me I felt my face grow hot and my lips open to show a smile that smile that says I want you he said Hi. I said hi then I rushed upstairs to hide my interest and hold back my butterflies. I called Jackie, "Omg I just saw the cutest guy and he lives below me hes latin cute annnnd goes to school, I saw his parking pass." After this I saw him a couple more times in and out  he once offered to  carry my groceries up to my apt.  Couple months after our first run-in I discovered he was taken, when I spotted them together at church she was dark skinned perfect body, great smile she was gorgeous, I disliked her instantly and even more when I saw her dance to latin music and a little more when I ran into them in my parking lot. Long story short I completely forgot about him.

 After NY, after Lehi and now in Provo........... he resurfaced. Lo que es la vida. I was helping my sister sell cupcakes when I ran into my cousin Luis we started talkin about NY about volunteering with the latin communtity etc. I continued on with my day later that night he texted me "you have to meet my friend hes from Brooklyn he is in charge of the Latino movement at UVU, come over I'm at his place."So I drove over to soon as the door opened, that same man who lived below me I was stunned. I proceeded to question him. "Dont I know you from somewhere? Yeah, you used to live right below me?!" He responded uninterested  "Um maybe......where? No, I dont think so, he replied." We then moved on to talking about various projects he'd like me in and different opportuities to meet ppl who would help me advance in my career then it slipped he mentioned his wife. He had married the Dominican chick while I had been in NY I was slightly disappointed then slightly excited, when right after I learned they were in the middle of a divorce. Since then We've hung out 3 times where his interest in me has also resurfaced.  Since our first official and initial introduction he has made several verbal advances. Which I playfully dissmissed by saying I would never date him because he was a RM( a returned missionary) after B, I refuse to go through another similar ordeal. We hung out in groups until tonight when we out for sushi and he discovered I was in fact(in his words) "OMG?!.....that hot chick that lived upstairs, that was you." Its funny to learn  he had the same reaction I did despite being in a relationship he felt the need to call his "bro" and metion that he still had it since the hot chick upstairs had just checked him out. This mutual acknowledgement of this small event where we both crossed paths over a year ago on both of our parts has now put an odd spin on our friendship as if we were meant to meet again its an eerie combination of a simultaneous good/ wierd/odd feeling. God what am I getting into.................

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